The geolocation concept clearly is unique for such a game. Community in-game also is pretty cool! Thank you Dev guys :)
The geolocation concept clearly is unique for such a game. Community in-game also is pretty cool! Thank you Dev guys :)
Cest sympa . On accroche très vite .
Lousy translation and often app crashes.
Gebt beim Start "Stoney Mahoni" als euren Paten ein. Als erfahrener Spieler gebe ich euch gerne Tipps und Tricks für euren Start in City Domination!
Bad money pit app.
I recommend this game, A very good idea as it uses something like google maps for game board, it actually gives you what it says and you can take over your own city, fun and well-made.
Lots of conquering fun!
Yes, I love it!!! But a few bug fixed would be great!! Otherwise I would give 5!!
Want extra gold and answers to all your questions? Put JJHunter for Sponsor!!
A decent game although I cant change the language from French to English. Other than that and a few bugs its good. If you want extra gold and answers to all your questions put JJHunter as your sponsor!
Fun game very addicting if u plan to get it search for pony boy bro I will help u get started
Could use an update Wont let me add people to my gang
Confermo anchio è in francese non scaricatelo.
È francese...
È tutto in francese!
E in francese
Sponsor "Dannydavis"
I could not play this game cAuse it was in Spanish. I guess this would be better if I knew Spanish
It is a great game so far would recommend if you are into gps/location based games. If you play then use my name, Techseeker, as a sponsor and i am 50% sure we will both get stuff.
Good but for the thing said a mix of ingress ....blah blah .yea nothing in this game is anywhere close to ingress except the GPS location part of the game.SuRbRs is what u type in the sponsor part to get a bonus .....and everything is crazy high in gold.